The tiled platform walls still bear the original name of the station, Gillespie Road. Retitled in 1932, Arsenal is the only Tube station named directly after a football club.
Except on match days, Arsenal is a quiet station, with only 2.7 million visitors on average per year.
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The original Art Deco frontage of Arsenal FC in Avenell Road has been preserved though the old stadium is now apartments. Occasionally you will see people standing in front of it looking a bit sad, but the new Emirates stadium is a splendid building, well worth walking round.The guns on show there are on loan from The Royal Artillery Museum. They were made at Woolwich Arsenal in 1859, and are a reminder of how The Gunners got their name.
You may be surprised to discover that the turf of the Emirates stadium is not the only green space round here.Gillespie Nature Reserve is a 9 acre snippet of countryside ( actually ex railway siding) kept pleasantly wild. Closed on match days.