Labyrinth Schools Poster Competition

A London-wide poster competition for schools
29 April 2013 – 3 April 2015

Part of the following series:

Turner prize-winning artist Mark Wallinger chose the three winners from Art on the Underground’s Labyrinth Schools Poster Competition from over 800 entries from 49 schools across 27 London boroughs. The winning entries from young people aged 5 to 18 years were chosen for their highly original design and excellent interpretation of the competition brief.

The three lucky winners’ artwork was displayed as an offical poster across all London Underground stations and seen by hundreds of thousands of travellers in October 2013.
The posters were inspired by the words ‘Future Journeys’ or ‘Your Journey Starts Here’. The competition open to all London Schools drew upon Labyrinth, a major permanent project by Mark Wallinger.

On Thursday 3 October Mark Wallinger and Mike Brown MVO Managing Director of London Underground and London Rail awarded all 12 students certificates and prizes in person at Southwark station.

Primary – Flora Campbell, Lyndhurst Primary School, Southwark
Secondary – D’arcy Livermore-Ephraim, St.Paul’s Way Trust School, Tower Hamlets
Sixth Form – Ibrahim Hashi, Brentside High School, Ealing

The nine runners-up artworks, listed below, are also featured alongside all 800 entries here on the online Competition Gallery

Primary – Nirujan Thevarajah, Bond Primary School , Merton – Rojdar Cam, Bounds Green School, Haringey – Rosie Vaughan, Wimbledon Park Primary School, Merton
Secondary – Caitlin Stanborough, Harris Academy Purley, Croydon – Lisa Patel, Swaminarayan School, Brent – Rayhan Karim, St. Paul’s Way Trust School, Tower Hamlets
Sixth Form – Pei Ei Leong, Brentside High School, Ealing – Jessica Pereira, Plumstead Manor School, Greenwich – Wura Bolarinwa, Brentside High School, Ealing

Louise Coysh, Curator for Art on the Underground at London Underground, said:
“I’ve been bowled over by the standard of the entries and the way in which all the schools have engaged with the ideas behind Labyrinth. I’m sure these fantastic artworks will impress our customers as much as they impressed Mark Wallinger.”

D’arcy Livermore-Ephraim from St.Paul’s Way Trust Secondary School, Tower Hamlets, said: “I entered the competition because we were learning about mazes so our Art Teacher, Miss Bader, told us about the Underground competition and then we started to make our Underground labyrinths.

“I feel very happy that thousands of people are going to see my poster and I know lots of people go through the Underground everyday for work so I’m very happy that they are going to see my art work.”

Mark Wallinger, said: “It’s been wonderful to see such an impressive array of personal responses by so many children and young people across the city who I hope will continue to engage with the artworks and the ideas behind them for years to come.”


For ideas and inspiration to make your own Labyrinth poster Download the Labyrinth Teacher Pack

The Labyrinth Schools Poster Competition is part of Art on the Underground’s engagement programme. The competition has been delivered in partnership with A New Direction, an organisation that connects children, young people and education with the best of arts and culture in London. The project was supported using public funding from Arts Council England, with additional support from JCDecaux.

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