My Brixton Family Workshop

Meera Chauda

At Brixton Library
24 October 2018
This is a free event

Part of the following series:

Brixton Header Wall

Join us for a free art workshop for the whole family working with artist Meera Chauda linked to the Brixton Primary Schools Mural Design Project on display at Brixton Library.

Create your own large domino to celebrate the local area of Brixton and play a game to make connections with each other.

 No booking required. All ages welcome. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

 The Mural Design Project is on display at Brixton Library until 4 November 2018. This display coincides with the launch of a new artwork by Nigerian artist Njideka Akunyili Crosby at Brixton Underground Station.

 For more information contact

Brixton Library

Brixton Oval
