In Memory of Sarah Reed, 2018

Jade Montserrat

Risograph print
Size 30.1 x 22.5cm
Edition of 100

To accompany the Autumn 2018 Night Tube map cover ‘hand this piece to one Jacob Aston West (b. approx. 1941-43, Montserrat)’ Jade Montserrat has produced a limited edition risograph print. Deeply material and poetic this limited edition artwork reads, ‘Freedom will blossom from the skies of prisms prisons’. The sentences flow across multiple lines allowing the words to proceed vertically rather than horizontally, akin to a poem. Collated from the artist’s research, they recall both the employment of slogans in the banners of trade unions and political campaigns and soundbites from social media, our contemporary method for consuming and disseminating information.

£35 inc VAT

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