The Stratford Grapevine

Lucy Harrison

A free newspaper compiled by Lucy Harrison
1 June 2008 – 31 December 2008

Part of the following series:

Stratford Commission

In the lead up to the 2012 Games, Art on the Underground are delivering a series of contemporary art commissions in Stratford that have individuals and communities at their heart.

Lucy Harrison was commissioned to produce a new project for 2008. Lucy Harrison’s work often takes her to unusual places. Her previous works include establishing a walking club and being an artist in residence at a former asylum in Italy. Her latest project brought her to Stratford station to develop a new artwork for Art on the Underground.

Harrison could be described as a creator of social networks which are made apparent in the form of publications or events. The Stratford Grapevine is a newspaper with just such an agenda. In her quest for content, Harrison mined the social networks of Stratford station and the town it serves; meeting a range of people from football teams, flower sellers and gardeners, to station staff and passengers.

Each issue has been influenced by specific groups selected by the artist. The subsequent publications are chapters in the life of the station and the surrounding town seen through the eyes of some of its inhabitants at a time of immense change. The structure of The Stratford Grapevine provides a net in which to capture the most significant and insignificant details of life in the area during early stages of the 2012 development.

The Stratford Grapevine was distributed free from Stratford Underground station in three issues on the following days:

Issue 1 Download
Thursday 17 July 2008
Newham Striders issue.

Includes: Features by the Newham Striders; walks around Stratford; West Ham Allotments Society; origami at Stratford station; station portraits; interviews with local residents and businesses; quizzes; and recipes.

Issue 2 Download
Thursday 18 September 2008
Discover Children’s Forum issue

Includes: Features, stories and cartoons by Discover Children’s Forum; Market traders; street mapping Stratford; music at Stratford Theatre Royal East; Age Concern Newham; Nusound interview; gardening with friends of Abbey Gardens and West Ham Allotments; Newham Women’s Football Club; quizzes; and recipes.

Issue 3 Download
Thursday 6 November 2008
Architecture Crew issue

Includes: Features, photography and artwork by Architecture Crew; photo-essay on local cafés by Neil Zakiewicz; music initiative with the London Fire Bridge; Age Concern Newham; Albion Football Club, and recipes.

Supported by:

Lucy Harrison
Newham Striders
Architecture Crew
Gordon Joly’s Newham walk
West Ham Allotments Society
Eagle Origami
Frog Morris
Community Food Enterprise
Lady Lucy
Age Concern Newham
Stratford theatre Royal East
Friends of Abbey Gardens
Community Links
Stratford Library

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