Royal College of Art

Printmaking MA Graduates 2006
19 April 2006 – 19 May 2006

Part of the following series:

Community Projects

Zoe Anderson, Elizabeth Eamer, Jonathan Ashworth,  Isabel Albiol Estrada,
Paul Bawden, David Evans, Phil Beeken, Phil Garrett, Ioannis Belimpasakis,
Fiona Hepburn, Sarah Bridgland,  Andrea Jesperson, Adam Bridgland,  Tom Leighton
Giulietta Coates,  Sarah Poynter, Hen Coleman, Akiko Takizawa, Roz Cran,
Robin Tarbet, James Unsworth

Platform for Art are delighted to present this showcase of work by the graduates of the 2006 Printmaking MA at the Royal College of Art. The exhibition is an opportunity for the artists to show their work in a unique public environment and is testament to Platform for Art’s commitment to working with artists in the early stages of their career. It coincides with the final degree show at the Royal College of Art from 26 May to 4 June.

The 21 students have produced a series of images which will be shown in the foot tunnel that runs between South Kensington Underground station and over twenty major cultural and educational institutions, including world class museums, galleries and the Royal College of Art. The images will also be exhibited as posters at Earl’s Court and Charing Cross Underground stations.

The Royal College of Art specialises in teaching and research across the disciplines of fine art, applied art, design, communications and humanities. The RCA defines itself as an ideas factory with one of the most concentrated communities of artists and designers to be found anywhere in the world. It is renowned for its collaborations with cultural and industrial partners.

The College sees printmaking as a major means of expression within fine art. Many of the greatest artists have made prints that are regarded as central to their work and expression. Print in all its manifestations is central to our culture, from the traditional to the new digital technologies. London Underground is world famous for its print work, from its early groundbreaking posters to Platform for Art’s contemporary artists’ commissions.

The images in this exhibition have been produced especially for this project and demonstrate the broad range of styles and techniques practised in the RCA Printmaking department. They range from a handmade woodcut of a fossil to a digitally created image of a cityscape of contemporary London, illustrating the richness of printmaking today.

Related images produced by the printmaking students are available for purchase (from the RCA) in a limited edition boxed set which will includes an essay and documentation of the images shown here.

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